About Lisa
My journey into spiritual growth and energy work began on the beautiful island of Maui, Hawai‘i, where I was born. Surrounded by the island’s natural beauty and spiritual richness, I developed a deep connection with the energies that surrounded me. That connection kept me grounded through the intense challenges of my formative years.
After graduating with a business degree, I struggled to find purpose or motivation in the career that I thought I wanted. It had checked every box on my list and yet I was dispassionate. When the company unexpectedly downsized, I found myself without a job. In that moment of uncertainty, I was free to choose my next steps.
I had often made the ‘difficult’ choices up until that point, but letting it all go and surrendering to a bigger, unknown plan was the most daunting decision of all. More so than any of the previous ones combined. And so, for the first time, I chose to trust my Self. It was during this time that I learned the most valuable truth… when you fully surrender, your true path reveals itself. However, you also need to TRUST it and PARTICIPATE.
During this period of introspection, I rediscovered my love for crystals and began designing jewelry. Selling my pieces in local boutiques and internationally gave me the opportunity to connect with customers on a deeper level. Without realizing it, I had embarked on a journey of unblocking my intuitive gifts and rediscovering parts of myself I had ignored, buried, and was now ready to expand.
Life and intuition then carried me from the Pacific to another set of islands when I relocated to Osaka, Japan. I earned my Usui Reiki certification, and a year later, advanced to Lightarian Reiki, further deepening my understanding of energy work for balance and healing. However, Reiki never fully aligned with my vision—it didn’t feel right within me to present myself as someone who healed others because I wanted them to know that they also had the ability to do so for themselves.
In 2015, I shifted my focus to intuitive oracle card readings, guiding and supporting individuals in accessing their inner wisdom and connecting to their guides or Higher Self. Gently reminding them of what they are already able to do. While this work was exciting and deeply fulfilling, I felt that I wanted to develop an even deeper understanding.

To do so, in 2023, I began practicing QHHT® (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique), helping clients explore past memories and connect with their Higher Selves. This practice has been a transformative addition to my work, weaving together everything I’ve learned—and continue to learn.
Through all of these cycles, I have found that my passion and curiosity lies in quantum energy, quantum hypnosis, and deep introspective work—healing not just the self, but the multiple levels of a Being. Through these methods, I’ve found that QHHT® is an additional tool and a profoundly effective way to help others uncover the knowledge within. The insights I have witnessed and personally experienced hold the power to shift perspectives, change circumstances, and create transformation on multiple levels.
For those who have read the parts of my journey up until this point, I offer my deepest gratitude. As of today, I am not a clinical psychologist, therapist, or holistic health practitioner. I am like every living being of life, attuned to energetic frequencies beyond the physical realm and able to create an open space for these energies to be transmitted through. To label myself as a prophet, a medium, channeler, shaman, or healer of sorts would be to place myself onto a spectrum that differentiates me from the whole. This ideology does not align with my views. I believe that we all possess these abilities and gifts, and we choose when, how, and if we activate and use them. We are all versions of each other, all facets of light from the same source.
My purpose and intentions are not to convince others who I am or what I can do—but instead to help them see who they truly are and the infinite capabilities each of us carries within.
As for what or who I am, is an ever evolving being here to experience all that I can as a human, to learn how to love more deeply, and to seek alignment rather than enlightenment.
So with deep love and gratitude, I encourage you to embark on a journey of ever-expanding, ever-evolving, and always finding alignment. And whether we should ever cross paths in this lifetime or another, always remember that your heart is a portal, and your mind is a vehicle capable of transcending linear time.